Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Okay, so it's been a while...

Don't y'all miss us? We haven't blogged since last month... That is sooooooo sad.

I have nothing important to tell you, so I'll just write about my day.

I woke up 20 minutes before my bus would come, so I got dressed and brushed my teeth, and went to the buststation. But when I got there, I looked at my cell, and it was 6:02 am. What the fuck? My bus was coming 7:05, in an hour. So I called my dad to see if it really WAS 6 o'clock.. And it was. I had set my alarm wrong yesterday, so yeaah... I went home again, and sat by the computer.
Then... I took the right bus to School. Haha. It was all really weird actually, I can't believe how stupid I can be... And what the hell did my dad think of me when I called him up to ask what time it was? XD

School was... normal. Elin, Hannah and Sofi weren't there, so there was just me and Nenne.
We had media, a loooong break and english. Then we where supposed to have athletics after the even loooonger break, aka 1 hour and 45 minutes. But I didn't have my clothes with me, so I just stayed to keep Nenne company. So we had some food... We had fun, really. She's a cool gal! :D

But I missed Hannah... and Elin and Sofi of course. But mostly Hannah. I haven't seen her in how long? Last monday? Jeez, how do I survive? It sucks that she's sick.

Other than that, things've been, well, the usual. Okay, not really the usual. But kinda. Whatever, I gotta stay strong whatever happens, right? Thought so. So no need whinin' bout stuff... It wont make a difference anyway. And the stuff that's been tough is going to work out soon enough.

Okay, this became an emotional rant instead of a blog about my day... xD Sorry about that.

AND... GREEN DAY'S NEW ALBUM COMES OUT IN MAY!!! God, I've been following the updates on GD and GDA's site like a madman, because things seems to be happening fast now! There's something new with Green Day every day, and it's soooo awesome.
I can't wait until I sit there, album in my stereo, and listen to it. Oh GOD, just the thought makes me high!

Okay, so maybe I should explain myself?

Green Day's my favourite band.

- Freeny

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