Sunday, December 14, 2008


So I don't really have a subject to blog about today but it's this voice in my won't stop screaming to me, telling me to leave a new blog post here because it was ages since last time.
Ok, please don't think that I'm a freak with severe mental issues...I might be and I might have severe mental issues but whatever. Let's get to the point.
...There is no point with this blog post, so you're just wasting away your time, if you're stupid enough (and totally awesome) to read this.

Anyhow...Where were I?
Oh, right. Nowhere :).

Soooooooo I just watched Donnie Darko (like, 1 hour ago or something) and it's a kickass movie. Seriously, I think I'm extremely brain-damaged now, in a good way that is.
Yet again I'm up in the middle of the night, it's something about night time that I just love, I prefer being up at night rather than sleeping. It's not that it's funny in any kind of way, but it's peaceful. It's so quiet and I feel so calmed down and I just like it a lot.

Christmas is coming up and I'm not done with my shopping yet!!! Panic attack next.
Not really, it's just more fun with drama and since I'm too tired (yep, I'm actually tired today, cool huh?!) to bring the drama myself, I just have to create some drama in my imagination.
In my own imaginary world. Speaking of my imaginary world; it's Sunday now and Sunday equals Jasper. lollllllll only Freeny can understand that, she's almost the only one that can actually understand how my amazing mind is working and see the true skills of my awesome brain. What's going on in my mind is totally normal, I swear.

I wanted to post a picture with this blog text thingy, but you know what?!??!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! <--- overdramatic, tired, pathetic bitch.
I'm too tired and too lazy to do that.
Nighty night.


1 comment:

SchizoComa said...

this blog is awesome!!!