Friday, August 26, 2011

....?????????? NOW WHAT

Are they serious?? Are the wand selection questions really this hard? Jeez.

I can't decide. It's not like I have compared these fears to each other. How the hell am I supposed to know?! Honestly?

Fire: I have respect for fire. But it scares me. I guess it's because it can turn basically anything into dust. I don't like that thought.
Heights: Oh god I hate heights. I like being on the ground. I think I'm scared of the fact that I know that if I'm up really high and fall, I'm going to die. Or get very hurt. It's freaky.
Isolation: To be all alone, without any kind of communication... I've never really experienced this, but I've seen enough zombie movies to know that this does NOT sound funny. And I really dislike being alone for a longer time and..

Fear of heights is most likely anxiety based. And fire that things will disappear/change. Isolation is probably a mix of both I guess?

I wish I had a therapist and a psychologist with me to help me with these kind of questions. I'm gonna lose my mind.. Pottermore is the end of my sanity, I swear.

Travelling alone down a deserted road, you reach a crossroads. Do you continue...

Left towards the sea... Ahead towards the forest... Right towards the castle...

WARNING: Uninteresting and unnecessary (and probably tiring) nerd rant.
So, I'm in Pottermore and about to get my wand, but I have to go through this quiz or test or whatever to get it, and I'm already freaking out over the questions. Seriously, what's wrong with me? I don't even want to think about how I will be reacting to the house sorting test (I'll probably be going to pieces).

So. The questions are quite simple and direct, but then this one popped up and I'm just sitting here like O_O WHY. This is one of the questions I've been dreading. Because I can't decide between the road towards the sea or towards the castle.
Even though I find forests enchanting and cozy, they also freak me out at the same time... there's something spooky about forests (and I hate plants and bugs). Besides, it's a deserted road, hello CREEPY.

The sea: I love the sea. I love the smell, the look of it and it's calming effect on me, and I love the sound the waves make, I love the atmosphere around the ocean... Yeah... BUT then again, it's deserted so I mean it would obviously be very lonely and probably cold and scary at night.

The castle: I really like old buildings and ancient castles and such. I find it very beautiful and exciting. Also, there could maybe be people here..? But if so, are they nice? (Or alive?? I mean.. castles might be haunted :O). Terrifying thought. At the same time as castles intrigue me, they make me a bit uncomfortable. There's just something about old buildings. They have a history, and a weird energy to them. Ahhh. So scary but fascinating!! Though it could keep me warm during a cold night - who the hell would even want to spend the night in an empty castle?!

Do you see my problem here?!?! HAHA. Oh GOD, Pottermore, WHY do you do this to me?

Going through these feelings right now:

"Fuck you Pottermore. Not fair"


"Ole dole doff, kinke lane koff, koffe lane, binke bane, ole dole doff"

^I do that with every other important decision when I can't make up my mind so whatever.

UPDATE: Left towards the sea.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Panic! at the Disco rant by a fan who's been awake for 24 hours.

I spent this night awake. It's 05:36 am, but the sun has been up since about 3 am. I find that pretty cool. I didn't go to bed tonight because I was too busy checking out interviews on the internet with this cool band called Panic! At The Disco. My fascination with this band started around '06 when they released A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, but my passion for their music ceased for a while after having replayed their record time and time again.

This past year that passion has grown strong again, and this time to full extent. I'm listening to their second record Pretty. Odd a lot, and as opposed to most fans of their first record I think it's amazing. Their music makes me feel good about myself and as a musician I find that their music, though kicking through such an old tired genre, is still very inventive, different and interesting.

What is tragic about this band is that their bassist Jon and guitarist Ryan left the band after touring with their second record. There are many reasons why I think this is a tragedy. Number one is the fact that Ryan wrote most lyrics and melodies for the band. He also contributed with the visual aspect to a great extent. This makes him an inspiration to me. Number two is that I think Ryan and the singer Brendon complimented each other very well as performers.

While Ryan seems to be the shy type, playing his instrument in a quite anonymous manner, letting the music speak for itself, Brendon is a fullblown entertainer. Even though they still made as big of impacts on stage, their different ways of performing created a wider audience and, in my personal opinion, a better show. Ryan's new band The Young Veins didn't work out in my opinion because Ryan lacks that entertaining, full on live performer skill that Brendon possesses. Brendon has a way of voicing Ryan's words that not even the writer himself seems to manage.

Panic! At The Disco as they are now, though, are becoming slightly promiscuous with the guys they're playing with nowadays. The guitarist and bassist play in almost the same transparent way as Brendon, which could be a great thing. With these guys, it seems to slightly backfire and it makes their performances less fluid and well thought out as they were before Ryan and Jon left.
So I feel upset about the fact that it's not all four of them anymore. They were just so great together.

xo /Freeny

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#18: A problem that you have had [Freeny]

I pretty much covered this one in my last post, so... I'll let this one be.

In the meantime I'll let you enjoy yourselves with this gif.


Aw, man, I fucking love that movie. For those who don't know it; it's called I Love You, Man and God.. All I have to say that IMMA SLAPPA DA BAASS MON!

xo /Freeny

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#17: Something that you're proud of [Freeny]

I'm very proud of the fact that I went from finding social situations of almost all kinds horrifying to actually enjoying them now.

Ever since I was a kid I always hid behind someone else, because I couldn't speak for myself. I dreaded oral presentations and suffered from severe anxiety at many points in my life.

I've overcome that.

I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I think a lot of it has to do with playing music in front of other people in school concerts. If anything it made me more comfortable about having people see me. This semester I've made a bunch of oral presentations in front of full classes, and I'm very proud of overcoming the stagefright which prevented me from doing so before.

I used to have a hard time making purchases at stores because the interaction with the cashier would scare me. Those feelings still come creeping back sometimes, but I manage to push them away. I'm a lot stronger now, and I'll stay that way.

xo /Freeny

Amazing tweet #1

Gerard... YOU'RE great.

xo /Freeny

Monday, May 16, 2011

#16: Something you always think "what if..." about [Freeny]

Oh, man... I think "what if..." about everything. I'm an overthinker, which means I replay moments in my head over and over again, all the time. The smallest interaction implies a lot to me. It gets pretty draining at times, hence the fact that I can't give one answer to that statement.

I always imagine things like being born in other countries and time-eras or meeting different people at another point in my life. I come up with inquiries like, why did Hannah come into my life June 30th 2007? Why didn't we meet sooner or later? What if we'd met when we were kids and lived close to eachother? What would've happened if my parents never broke up?

I can't give an answer to these questions, and it urks me. It all adds up to "everything happens for a reason", which is a notion I for some reason dislike.

Some questions don't have answers.

xo /Freeny

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#15: Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality [Freeny]

My zodiac and what it says about me:
I'm a Libra
Your element: Air
Your ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: The Scales
Your stone: Opals
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Libras Secret Desire: To be consistent
Libras Characteristics:
Diplomatic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, indecisive, sociable, gullible, self-indulgent, idealistic, easily influenced, changeable

I find horoscopes and zodiac signs interesting, because of my plain need for vertification. Everyone wants to know who they are and why, so we rely on something a bunch of strangers came up with a long time ago to tell us who we are. In my heart, I know that there is no such thing as zodiac signs, and that it doesn't matter which part of the year I was born in. Reading about the Libra makes me look for the things I can relate to, though, and that's why I often find myself thinking they're pretty much correct.

It often says that the Libra is a daydreamer, who wishes to be somewhere else and often makes up scenarios in their heads. It often says there's a very introverted aspect to the people of that sign, despite their alleged social capability. It also says that the Libra is very scared of conflicts and always wants everyone to get along, which causes them to put themselves inbetween the two fighting people.

Those are the aspects I find myself relating to the most about the Libra, because I know, and I think some of my friends can have a say in how much that sounds like me.

xo /Freeny

Pretty handsome irish boys

Day 15: Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality [Hannah]

My zodiac and what it says about me:
I'm a Taurus.
Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Your stone: Emerald
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Taurus Secret Desire: To have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage
Taurus Characteristics: Steady, reliable, stubborn, determined, creative, kind, loyal, generous, gerocious temperament, honest, possessive, financial wizard, romantic, emotional, warmhearted, compassionate, obstinate...

Positive Aspects
The Taurus symbol has very attractive and positive features that make people good human beings. They are peace lovers and are more practical than intellectual. They are loyal and can endure relationships without betrayals. They are homely and prefer staying indoors with a good eye for materialistic things, luxury and well furnished lifestyle. Comfort and pleasure loving are few of the most prominent features of Taurus. Taureans are lovely individuals to be with, although they are quite reserve and calm. They are sensuous to touch and are strongly passionate. Taureans make good partners having taste for good food, drink and sex. They are perfect individuals who can express love with utmost warmth and affection.

Negative Aspects
Every zodiac symbols have some negative traits also. Taureans are extremely possessive with their own possessions as well as with their partners. They often tend to get jealous, if not given necessary attention. They can be very stubborn and obsessive at times. Although Taureans are gentle and peace loving, they can burst into a feat of violent anger and rage, if provoked. Taureans can be annoying at times, as they are extremely slow and lazy. They are immune to changes. This can be either be a positive or negative perspective, depending on circumstances.

Todays horoscope (I used the Daily horoscope app on my phone):
When you create a recipe for a seafood dish, for example, you can improvise and be as creative as you desire. As long as you cook the meal thoroughly, you should come out with something that is at least edible. But when you bake a cake, it is a more scientific proposition. That's because the wrong blend of ingredients - or leaving out something critical such as baking soda - could cause your cake to be a disaster. You may be inclined to be creative in an upcoming venture, but you really need to play by the rules for the greatest chance at success.


I love things like horoscopes and astrology, numerology etc! I don't let it control my life and destiny, but it's fun to look at and kind of try to fit it into your current life situation.
I do feel like a Taurus though. Most of the characteristics fit me very well, I think :).

This gif also describes me quite well
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

#14: What you wore today [Freeny]

That's pretty much it.

xo /Freeny

Day 14: What you wore today [Hannah]

I don't have any photos of what I wore today haha and as soon as I got home I took a quick shower and then changed into leggings and a cozy sweater :3.

BUT before that, when I was out celebrating my birthday for the second day in a row, with my friends, I wore: a pink/coral tank top, a grey cardigan with skulls, my favorite black jeans and my blue low converse.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Happy 19th, you beautiful bitch!

oh, and...

Your boyfriend says hi :)

xo /Freeny

#13: Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it [Freeny]

Everyone gets selfconcious about their appearance and so on, but that aside I'm very happy about my body, because it enables me to...

... move from one place to another just using my legs.

... dance 'till it hurts and keep going.

... rock out at concerts.
He’s my fucking hero!!!

... make attractive faces

and, most importantly...

scroll tumblr. :)

Body, I love you!

xo /Freeny

Day 13: Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it [Hannah]

Ugh. And of fucking course I get this one on my birthday. Well ok, here goes;

Right now, I don't really like it, I'm not exactly comfortable.
But I guess it could be worse, and I'm working on both making my body look better and making me less selfconcious.
At least I don't hate being "short" as much as I used too :).

Thursday, May 12, 2011

#12: Five guys whom you find attractive [Freeny]

Guys have cooties.

this gurl is pretty ^

xo /Freeny

Day 12: Five guys whom you find attractive [Hannah]

Well. This was easy.

1. Frank Iero
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2. Fred Lero
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3. Frank Jero
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4. Frank Lero
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5. Frank Ireo
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Okay, jk. But seriously though, here's five other guys that I find attractive
(since Frank is the most perfect ever, he doesn't really count)

1. Quinn Allman
2. Drew Fuller
3. Ian Somerhalder
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
5. Matthew Gray Gubler

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#11: Your family [Freeny]

My family consists of my mom, stepdad, dad and sister. I live with my mom and stepdad. My sister moved out last year and my dad moved away to his girlfriend at the same time. I used to live with my dad some weeks, but now that he lives so far away we only meet occasionally.

I'm happy about having the family I do. In my life I've had countless of fights with my parents and stepfather, and had problems with them because of the divorce, etc. However, I wouldn't trade them for the world because in that case I wouldn't have my sister. She's the closest friend I have, and I think she actually knows everything about me, as I know everything about her.
Now that I've grown up a bit I've also learned to get along with my parents. I find myself enjoying their company and I'm so relieved that we've overcome our past quarrels.

What I appreciate in my parents are very different. I'm happy about the musical influence my dad has had in my life. He helped me out when I first started playing the guitar, and put his old '80s rock music in my first mp3 player when I was thirteen. We've always been able to joke around and he's probably the only person that I feel has a genuine belief in me.

My stepfather came into my life when I was nine years old, and he's been around more than my real dad ever was. He married my mom just last summer, and even though we argued every single day in my early teen years, I still love him. Mostly because of the way he makes my mom feel.

My mom is so amazing. I love the way she tries to be serious, but can easily switch over to laughing her ass off when me and my sister are around. I don't know how many nights the three of us have spent together just hanging out and ending up having to calm her down because she laughs so hard she can barely breath. I love that about her.

That is all, I guess.

xo /Freeny

Day 11: Your family [Hannah]

My family consists of my mom, dad, younger sister and our four cats. Yes, I absolutely consider my cats as a part of my family.

We used to live together as a family, but then my parents separated and I've lived with my mom ever since. My dad has one cat and the rest of them lives with me and mom. I kind of wish I could be at my dad's place more often, and I'm going to as soon as we get my room ready, I don't have any furniture there haha.
I almost don't have any contact with my sister, due to lots of different reasons I'm not going to bring up here.

uhm. So yeah. My cats means the world to me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

#10: Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play [Freeny]

I'll do what it says above, but I'll add my own commentary on the songs as well :). My music player of choice is my iPhone for everyone's information, and I listen to it when I'm on the bus to and from school.

1. In The Cold Light Of The Morning - Placebo
I haven't listened to that song, or really any Placebo song, in a while since I was pretty much obsessed with them throughout 2010. I like the ghosty feel to this song, and also the nice analogy in the lyrics: "A loser, a sinner, a cock in a dildo's disguise." Hehe.

2. London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines - Panic! At The Disco
Not so long ago, I was obsessed with this song. I love how the lyrics talk about trying to actually dare to do what you want to do. The opening lyric "Stop stalling, make a name for yourself" is so powerful and it inspires me.

3. I Don't Want To Know - Fleetwood Mac
I just recently added this bands' record 'Rumours' to my iPhone, and this is one of the songs I haven't listened to that much yet. So much for commentary!

4. Allergic (To Thoughts Of Mother Earth) - Placebo
The intro and entire instrumental to this entire song is so ridiculously Placebo and I love it. If someone asked what Placebo's sound is, it could easily be summed up in this song.

5. I Want You - Kings Of Leon
I love the rythm-section in this song! But I don't have a special bond to the song in general.

6. Paralyzed - The Used
Oh my God, this is one of the songs that gets me PSYCHED, y'all! The melody is so contagious, but having this song stuck in your head all day isn't even annoying because it's so fucking good! It also reminds me of 2008, when Hannah and I for the first time completely sold our souls to the sound of The Used.

7. No One Knows - Green Day
This is one of Green Day's older songs, and the first thing I thought when it started playing was "aww", because the song and the album (Kerplunk!) in its whole reminds me of sitting alone in my room when I was fourteen and recognizing the feelings of loneliness. Billie Joe was so young when he wrote these songs, and it kind of feels like I grew up with him for each album I listened to by them.

8. Northern Downpour - Panic! At The Disco
I love the album Pretty. Odd. I feel so happy when I listen to it, and I think that is the feeling the band intended to send out when they wrote the songs. I also find Ryans (their former guitarists) singing part very cute. I don't know. He has his own singing parts in some songs on the album, and I just think it's downright cute, haha.

9. Dead Ringer - Rise Against
This is one of the songs that I can see myself moshing like crazy to, haha. It awakes all of those feelings of rage that you keep locked inside and don't let out until you get to jump around to a song that reminds you of them at a show, to later feel completely rid of those feelings of anger, if only for a while.

10. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance
This is an amazing song because it's so emotional. Not only because the lyrics are beautiful, but because of the way Gerard (the singer) performs them. He sounds so vulnerable and it fits perfectly to the melancholy feel of the song. I especially love the way he sings "Running away and hiding with you" and "I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight".

I recommend these songs to all of y'all, so look them up!

xo /Freeny

Day 10: Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play [Hannah]

I'm using Spotify, with a list that's basically full of alllll bands I like and their full albums (290 tracks). Still, Spotify likes to annoy me by playing a few songs more often than others... Well, this should be interesting:

1. Papercut - Linkin Park
2. The Story - 30 Seconds To Mars
3. Teeth - Lady Gaga
4. Smother Me (+ Queso) - the Used
5. ATTACK - 30 Seconds To Mars
6. The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance
7. In The End - Linkin Park
8. Pretty Handsome Awkward - the Used
9. Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us - My Chemical Romance
10. By Myself - Linkin Park

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, SPOTIFY? Three goddamn Linkin Park songs??? Why now? Spotify almost never play Linkin Park when I have it on shuffle. asdfghjkl

These are all great songs though, so go listen to them!

Monday, May 9, 2011

#9: How important you think education is [Freeny]

I find education to be very resourceful and I feel that it should be in our great interest for every child on Earth to have the right to receive education. Yet the people in luck don't realize the privelige of being educated for free (in Sweden, education is for free until you reach a certain age) because our sense of reason is overshadowed by the amount of homework and stress that school induces on a teenager.

Right now, I feel beat down. As it's only a month left of school, I feel myself falter in the subjects I previously was on top in. It's tiring to have this pressure on you all the time.

However, education is what makes us know the world around us. If it wasn't for all those hours spent studying for that exam or learning those words, you wouldn't be half the person you are today. I used to think that school was bullshit and that they simply didn't understand me. Now I've realized that to accomplish your goals you have to go that extra mile, and when you do, the reward is not only the grade on your paper but gaining a deeper respect for yourself.

You'll never conquer anything with your fists, but with the knowledge you have learned to practice in your every day life.

xo /Freeny

Day 9: How important you think education is [Hannah]

I think it's extremely important. And I agree in just about everything that Freeny said so it's unnecessary to write an exact same blog entry.

With that said; I think the Swedish school system needs to change. There is way too much pressure and expectation on the kids in school today. Not only from themselves, but from teachers and parents. I don't know how it would get better though.. It only gets as hard as you make it, right?

Blah blah, education IS important, and maybe that's why it's so hard sometimes?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

#8: What you ate today [Freeny]

Hehe. As I wrote the headline of this post I understood why this topic is on day eight. Ate - eight. Get it? Anyway.

Breakfast: Cereal.
Lunch: Mashed potatoes and veggie burger
Snack: An ice cream and an apple
Brinner: Egg-sandwiches

xo /Freeny

Day 8: What you ate today [Hannah]

I woke up really late so my entire intake today got all squashed together.

Breakfast, yoghurt and an apple and green tea :3
Lunch, a fresh salad and a quorn filet
Dinner, mashed potatoes and soy sausage

Had some snack in between but I didn't think it was necessary to write down

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 7: Five pet peeves [Hannah]

In no particular order:

* Kids on buses or trams. They are loud. They are annoying as hell and especially in the morning when you're tired as fuck and just want some freaking peace and quiet. AND THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Can't they just sit down and be calm and nice for one second :(
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* People who walks abnormally slowly or decides that it's an awesome idea to just stop and stand in a small group and talk/be an idiot in the middle of somewhere people are walking. WHAT THE FUCK GET OUT OF MY WAY PLEASE. JUST MOVE. DON'T STAND HERE, PEOPLE ARE WALKING, I'M IN A CONSTANT HURRY AND YOU'RE RUINING MY PERFECT PACE. JUST DIE AND GTFO.

* People who complain and "brag" about a personal problem of theirs, writing on the internet about how hard it is on them etc etc etc when it's really something you just DON'T talk about like that. You are clearly just an attention whore who are fishing for pity. asdfghjkl.

* Girls at concerts, bragging about them meeting the band and everyone loves that person immediately. Can I just puke all over you? Not only because I'm jelly of you, but also because shut up. JUST SHUUUUT UUUUUUP. /Freeny knows/
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* When a couple decides to make out wildly in front of me on the tram/bus. Get a room ok? It's cute and all, but seriously, I don't enjoy watching you ugly fucks eating each others faces when I just had lunch. Thanks bye.
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Please note: I love exaggerating. All of the above should be taken with a grain of salt.

#7: Five pet peeves [Freeny]

- Unproper grammar.
I care a lot about spelling things correctly and putting the words in their proper order. I see people continously abuse the English language on Facebook and Twitter everyday, and I'm sitting here just like

- People who talks shit about someone they don't know.
Just because someone looks or acts a certain way when you first get to know them doesn't mean that they're bad people. If they've done nothing to really offend you, there's no use in coming up with ridiculous assumptions about them and telling everyone about them. It just makes you look bad.

- People who brag.
And then play it off as if they're not bragging at all. OH MY GOD. SHUT UP.

- When you're happy all day because Glee's on that night, and then come home to find out it's not airing.
First I'm all

and then I'm just sad

- Finding out you have a homework assignment the same day it was supposed to be handed in.

My memory really just sucks when it comes to those things.


So, those were some of my pet peeves. Another pet peeve I have is people who talk about their pet peeves as if they're really that bad... As if there's not enough negativity in the world already, right?
xo /Freeny

Friday, May 6, 2011

#6: Your views on mainstream music [Freeny]

To get a good perspective on this topic I had to wikipedia the term 'mainstream music', because people throw it around like a whore and insult people who like it. And as we all know, Wiki's got all the answers.

"[...] the mainstream includes all popular culture, typically disseminated by mass media."

So the question really is; do I like the songs on the radio? Yes. Not all, but yes.

xo /Freeny

Day 6: Your views on mainstream music [Hannah]

"[...] the mainstream includes all popular culture, typically disseminated by mass media."

I don't really listen to radio, or watch mtv (except for mtv rocks sometimes) and it's mostly because I don't like the music they play (exception: mtv rock). I don't know.. Why is this 30 days challenge so hard? God damnit.

Ok. I listen to music I like. If I don't like it, I'll turn the goddamn radio off/change channel. Whatever. asdfghj. What is mainstream music anyway.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Love Will Tear Us Apart

I was pacing through the centralstation in the city where I go to school to catch my bus this sleepy afternoon. Despite walking through a haze of hunger and sleep depravation something caught my eye. It was a small photo collection chosen to be displayed on a greater scale for people walking by to see. They were beautiful pictures of landscape, handcrafted with an eye for capturing moments mixed with nice editing skills. One of them, though, said "Hate will tear us apart". It was written in wet sand for effect, maybe to remind us that the simple touch of water could erase the phrase and simultaneously its meaning.

However, the line stirred up my thoughts as I continued making my way to the bus. I've recently come to realize that hate is very bonding. I've caught myself exaggerating my negative feelings to fit in to a certain group. So I thought to myself that, no. Hate is what keeps people together, because if you hate something together you are an incredible force. It's easier to share hate than love nowadays. Just look at how much fame Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black have received, almost all due to the haters. Hate doesn't tear us apart. It bonds us and makes us feel important. Like our opinion matters.

When it comes to love, though, I'm not so sure anymore. Love is so vulnerable. And as the thoughts unfolded in my mind this ordinary afternoon I realized that love tears us apart on a greater scale than hate ever has.

I know I sound like a cynic, but believe me, I don't intend to. For all I know love might come along and prove me wrong some day.


xo /Freeny

#5: Things you want to say to an ex [Freeny]

To the boys whose hearts I broke when I was five or six years old: I'm sorry. I hope you've gotten over the trauma of having me ask you to be with me only to break up with you over and over again.
I guess you kind of got back at me in middleschool when the tables turned, though.

That is all.

xo /Freeny

Day 5: Things you want to say to an ex [Hannah]

Wellllllll I don't have any exes so... here's two cute gif:s to make up for a boring post!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#4: Bullet your whole day [Freeny]

Today, I woke up fighting the urge to fall asleep. After failing a couple times, I scrambled out of bed and took a quick shower, trying not to just stand there with the water spraying on me. Even though I love that feeling, I had no time for it this morning. I had, as always, woken up much too late. After the shower I washed my face and put make up on. I then proceeded to my room to blow dry and straighten my hair so that I'd at least look pretend-pretty.

I put some clothes on and had a too hasty breakfast. Then I sat down in the car for my dad to drive me to school. Him driving me only happens on rare occasions, and luckily he's able to do that those dreaded mornings when the first class starts at 8 am.

The first classes, religion and english, went by pretty fast. I had lunch, practiced playing my songs with my classmates and then performed my 15 minute-concert in front of my class. It was an assignment for the course Music and Communication, and I think it went pretty well. The theme I chose was "Green Day tribute", and as I know most of their songs by heart already I felt pretty confident doing it.

Then I had textcommunication, where we were supposed to discuss commercials, but Hannah and I discussed fanfiction and tumblr instead. After that class, I had a guitarlesson. It went pretty well, but I was pretty low at that point because I was so hungry.
After school I took the tram to town and hung out with Hannah for a couple hours. We continued discussing different life changing topics such as the members of My Chemical Romance and fun memes.

When I came home I immediatly watched the latest Glee episode, Rumours, which was good, but not as good as Born This Way. The performances were slightly weaker (except for Santana's Songbird and Rachel's Go Your Own Way) and the episode in its whole kind of felt like a filler. I did appriceate, though, how you got to see another side to Sam, since he's always just kind of been there with nothing else to contribute with other than his weird jokes that no one laughs at and his oh, so trouty mouth. It also sort of comforted me how the Glee club members always have each others backs. I don't know. Oh, and the Brittany and Santana situation... Need I say more? I love every inch of it. Please, just get the fuck on with it already. I have a not so secret crush on Brittany for everybody's information.

Afterwards I read what I had left to read of Unholyverse part #1 (a MCR fanfic), and with mixed feelings and slight disappointment I discussed the ending with Hannah. As per usual.

Here are some Glee gifs just to make everything feel good.

she is so. freaking. CUTE.

Mmkay, that's enough. I love how Glee always makes you discover new music. I'm currently listening to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours and I really like it.

xo /Freeny

Day 4: Bullet your whole day [Hannah]

I woke up too late, overslept as usual. I ate some breakfast and took a shower, and then I just spent the rest of my freetime in front of my computer before heading to school. I missed my morning class so I only had texcommunication left.

After that, I went into town and waited for Freeny to finish school. I spent the time walking in and out of different shops, stopping and trying on clothes in some stores and so on. Then I hung out with Freeny, had a good time as always.

When I got home I had dinner and then I watched some tv and sat in front of my computer, studying and editing some photos. And tumblring of course.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#3: A book you love [Freeny]

This is the story of a young girl who has everything, yet she decides to take her life by overdosing. She wakes up again, but is committed to a psych ward where she's supposed to spend her last days, as that's all she has left due to the damage done to her inner organs. She's happy about that fact, but her experiences in the hospital makes her reconsider her previous actions.

This is a book I just recently read. Probably about a year ago if I remember correctly. However, it made a big impact on me, and I love the way the author puts the maincharacter's feelings into words. A book I recommend to anyone who's ever wanted to just let go.

xo /Freeny

Day 3: A book you love [Hannah]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Swedish version)
I love all Harry Potter books, I've grown up with them, with the characters and the story. I'm soooo glad that my mom bought the first book for me when I was nine (I might have been even younger, around 8 maybe?), I wouldn't have been where I am today if it weren't for these books, seriously. I probably wouldn't have the friends that I have today, and I wouldn't go to the school I go to. Everything would be totally different. I can't wait to get a Deathly Hallows symbol tattoo!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 2: Something you feel strongly about [Hannah]

Vegan/vegetarianism & animal liberation.

The fact that we live in the 21th century and still kill animals to eat and wear, is just horrible. We don't NEED it, we're just being selfish and cruel. And it disgusts me. I'm not gonna write a long argumentation about it, but this is what I feel extremely strongly about.

And, just so you know, one of the most annoying things ever is when people say that they love their animals and that they are against animal cruelty and still can go home and have a steak for dinner that night without feeling any guilt. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??
No, you're not an animal lover when you can still chew down a fucking animal. Have you seen how cute pigs or cows are? You might as well just cook your pet and have them for dinner!

Go watch ”Eartlings” and ”Meet Your Meat” (I think you can watch them online for free, just google it) and read ”Eating Animals”.

Ugh. I hate humans.