Thursday, May 5, 2011

Love Will Tear Us Apart

I was pacing through the centralstation in the city where I go to school to catch my bus this sleepy afternoon. Despite walking through a haze of hunger and sleep depravation something caught my eye. It was a small photo collection chosen to be displayed on a greater scale for people walking by to see. They were beautiful pictures of landscape, handcrafted with an eye for capturing moments mixed with nice editing skills. One of them, though, said "Hate will tear us apart". It was written in wet sand for effect, maybe to remind us that the simple touch of water could erase the phrase and simultaneously its meaning.

However, the line stirred up my thoughts as I continued making my way to the bus. I've recently come to realize that hate is very bonding. I've caught myself exaggerating my negative feelings to fit in to a certain group. So I thought to myself that, no. Hate is what keeps people together, because if you hate something together you are an incredible force. It's easier to share hate than love nowadays. Just look at how much fame Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black have received, almost all due to the haters. Hate doesn't tear us apart. It bonds us and makes us feel important. Like our opinion matters.

When it comes to love, though, I'm not so sure anymore. Love is so vulnerable. And as the thoughts unfolded in my mind this ordinary afternoon I realized that love tears us apart on a greater scale than hate ever has.

I know I sound like a cynic, but believe me, I don't intend to. For all I know love might come along and prove me wrong some day.


xo /Freeny

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