Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#11: Your family [Freeny]

My family consists of my mom, stepdad, dad and sister. I live with my mom and stepdad. My sister moved out last year and my dad moved away to his girlfriend at the same time. I used to live with my dad some weeks, but now that he lives so far away we only meet occasionally.

I'm happy about having the family I do. In my life I've had countless of fights with my parents and stepfather, and had problems with them because of the divorce, etc. However, I wouldn't trade them for the world because in that case I wouldn't have my sister. She's the closest friend I have, and I think she actually knows everything about me, as I know everything about her.
Now that I've grown up a bit I've also learned to get along with my parents. I find myself enjoying their company and I'm so relieved that we've overcome our past quarrels.

What I appreciate in my parents are very different. I'm happy about the musical influence my dad has had in my life. He helped me out when I first started playing the guitar, and put his old '80s rock music in my first mp3 player when I was thirteen. We've always been able to joke around and he's probably the only person that I feel has a genuine belief in me.

My stepfather came into my life when I was nine years old, and he's been around more than my real dad ever was. He married my mom just last summer, and even though we argued every single day in my early teen years, I still love him. Mostly because of the way he makes my mom feel.

My mom is so amazing. I love the way she tries to be serious, but can easily switch over to laughing her ass off when me and my sister are around. I don't know how many nights the three of us have spent together just hanging out and ending up having to calm her down because she laughs so hard she can barely breath. I love that about her.

That is all, I guess.

xo /Freeny

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