Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#17: Something that you're proud of [Freeny]

I'm very proud of the fact that I went from finding social situations of almost all kinds horrifying to actually enjoying them now.

Ever since I was a kid I always hid behind someone else, because I couldn't speak for myself. I dreaded oral presentations and suffered from severe anxiety at many points in my life.

I've overcome that.

I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I think a lot of it has to do with playing music in front of other people in school concerts. If anything it made me more comfortable about having people see me. This semester I've made a bunch of oral presentations in front of full classes, and I'm very proud of overcoming the stagefright which prevented me from doing so before.

I used to have a hard time making purchases at stores because the interaction with the cashier would scare me. Those feelings still come creeping back sometimes, but I manage to push them away. I'm a lot stronger now, and I'll stay that way.

xo /Freeny

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