Saturday, May 7, 2011

#7: Five pet peeves [Freeny]

- Unproper grammar.
I care a lot about spelling things correctly and putting the words in their proper order. I see people continously abuse the English language on Facebook and Twitter everyday, and I'm sitting here just like

- People who talks shit about someone they don't know.
Just because someone looks or acts a certain way when you first get to know them doesn't mean that they're bad people. If they've done nothing to really offend you, there's no use in coming up with ridiculous assumptions about them and telling everyone about them. It just makes you look bad.

- People who brag.
And then play it off as if they're not bragging at all. OH MY GOD. SHUT UP.

- When you're happy all day because Glee's on that night, and then come home to find out it's not airing.
First I'm all

and then I'm just sad

- Finding out you have a homework assignment the same day it was supposed to be handed in.

My memory really just sucks when it comes to those things.


So, those were some of my pet peeves. Another pet peeve I have is people who talk about their pet peeves as if they're really that bad... As if there's not enough negativity in the world already, right?
xo /Freeny

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