Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15: Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality [Hannah]

My zodiac and what it says about me:
I'm a Taurus.
Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Your stone: Emerald
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Taurus Secret Desire: To have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage
Taurus Characteristics: Steady, reliable, stubborn, determined, creative, kind, loyal, generous, gerocious temperament, honest, possessive, financial wizard, romantic, emotional, warmhearted, compassionate, obstinate...

Positive Aspects
The Taurus symbol has very attractive and positive features that make people good human beings. They are peace lovers and are more practical than intellectual. They are loyal and can endure relationships without betrayals. They are homely and prefer staying indoors with a good eye for materialistic things, luxury and well furnished lifestyle. Comfort and pleasure loving are few of the most prominent features of Taurus. Taureans are lovely individuals to be with, although they are quite reserve and calm. They are sensuous to touch and are strongly passionate. Taureans make good partners having taste for good food, drink and sex. They are perfect individuals who can express love with utmost warmth and affection.

Negative Aspects
Every zodiac symbols have some negative traits also. Taureans are extremely possessive with their own possessions as well as with their partners. They often tend to get jealous, if not given necessary attention. They can be very stubborn and obsessive at times. Although Taureans are gentle and peace loving, they can burst into a feat of violent anger and rage, if provoked. Taureans can be annoying at times, as they are extremely slow and lazy. They are immune to changes. This can be either be a positive or negative perspective, depending on circumstances.

Todays horoscope (I used the Daily horoscope app on my phone):
When you create a recipe for a seafood dish, for example, you can improvise and be as creative as you desire. As long as you cook the meal thoroughly, you should come out with something that is at least edible. But when you bake a cake, it is a more scientific proposition. That's because the wrong blend of ingredients - or leaving out something critical such as baking soda - could cause your cake to be a disaster. You may be inclined to be creative in an upcoming venture, but you really need to play by the rules for the greatest chance at success.


I love things like horoscopes and astrology, numerology etc! I don't let it control my life and destiny, but it's fun to look at and kind of try to fit it into your current life situation.
I do feel like a Taurus though. Most of the characteristics fit me very well, I think :).

This gif also describes me quite well
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