Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 2: Something you feel strongly about [Hannah]

Vegan/vegetarianism & animal liberation.

The fact that we live in the 21th century and still kill animals to eat and wear, is just horrible. We don't NEED it, we're just being selfish and cruel. And it disgusts me. I'm not gonna write a long argumentation about it, but this is what I feel extremely strongly about.

And, just so you know, one of the most annoying things ever is when people say that they love their animals and that they are against animal cruelty and still can go home and have a steak for dinner that night without feeling any guilt. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??
No, you're not an animal lover when you can still chew down a fucking animal. Have you seen how cute pigs or cows are? You might as well just cook your pet and have them for dinner!

Go watch ”Eartlings” and ”Meet Your Meat” (I think you can watch them online for free, just google it) and read ”Eating Animals”.

Ugh. I hate humans.

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