Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#4: Bullet your whole day [Freeny]

Today, I woke up fighting the urge to fall asleep. After failing a couple times, I scrambled out of bed and took a quick shower, trying not to just stand there with the water spraying on me. Even though I love that feeling, I had no time for it this morning. I had, as always, woken up much too late. After the shower I washed my face and put make up on. I then proceeded to my room to blow dry and straighten my hair so that I'd at least look pretend-pretty.

I put some clothes on and had a too hasty breakfast. Then I sat down in the car for my dad to drive me to school. Him driving me only happens on rare occasions, and luckily he's able to do that those dreaded mornings when the first class starts at 8 am.

The first classes, religion and english, went by pretty fast. I had lunch, practiced playing my songs with my classmates and then performed my 15 minute-concert in front of my class. It was an assignment for the course Music and Communication, and I think it went pretty well. The theme I chose was "Green Day tribute", and as I know most of their songs by heart already I felt pretty confident doing it.

Then I had textcommunication, where we were supposed to discuss commercials, but Hannah and I discussed fanfiction and tumblr instead. After that class, I had a guitarlesson. It went pretty well, but I was pretty low at that point because I was so hungry.
After school I took the tram to town and hung out with Hannah for a couple hours. We continued discussing different life changing topics such as the members of My Chemical Romance and fun memes.

When I came home I immediatly watched the latest Glee episode, Rumours, which was good, but not as good as Born This Way. The performances were slightly weaker (except for Santana's Songbird and Rachel's Go Your Own Way) and the episode in its whole kind of felt like a filler. I did appriceate, though, how you got to see another side to Sam, since he's always just kind of been there with nothing else to contribute with other than his weird jokes that no one laughs at and his oh, so trouty mouth. It also sort of comforted me how the Glee club members always have each others backs. I don't know. Oh, and the Brittany and Santana situation... Need I say more? I love every inch of it. Please, just get the fuck on with it already. I have a not so secret crush on Brittany for everybody's information.

Afterwards I read what I had left to read of Unholyverse part #1 (a MCR fanfic), and with mixed feelings and slight disappointment I discussed the ending with Hannah. As per usual.

Here are some Glee gifs just to make everything feel good.

she is so. freaking. CUTE.

Mmkay, that's enough. I love how Glee always makes you discover new music. I'm currently listening to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours and I really like it.

xo /Freeny

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