Monday, May 9, 2011

#9: How important you think education is [Freeny]

I find education to be very resourceful and I feel that it should be in our great interest for every child on Earth to have the right to receive education. Yet the people in luck don't realize the privelige of being educated for free (in Sweden, education is for free until you reach a certain age) because our sense of reason is overshadowed by the amount of homework and stress that school induces on a teenager.

Right now, I feel beat down. As it's only a month left of school, I feel myself falter in the subjects I previously was on top in. It's tiring to have this pressure on you all the time.

However, education is what makes us know the world around us. If it wasn't for all those hours spent studying for that exam or learning those words, you wouldn't be half the person you are today. I used to think that school was bullshit and that they simply didn't understand me. Now I've realized that to accomplish your goals you have to go that extra mile, and when you do, the reward is not only the grade on your paper but gaining a deeper respect for yourself.

You'll never conquer anything with your fists, but with the knowledge you have learned to practice in your every day life.

xo /Freeny

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