Tuesday, May 10, 2011

#10: Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play [Freeny]

I'll do what it says above, but I'll add my own commentary on the songs as well :). My music player of choice is my iPhone for everyone's information, and I listen to it when I'm on the bus to and from school.

1. In The Cold Light Of The Morning - Placebo
I haven't listened to that song, or really any Placebo song, in a while since I was pretty much obsessed with them throughout 2010. I like the ghosty feel to this song, and also the nice analogy in the lyrics: "A loser, a sinner, a cock in a dildo's disguise." Hehe.

2. London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines - Panic! At The Disco
Not so long ago, I was obsessed with this song. I love how the lyrics talk about trying to actually dare to do what you want to do. The opening lyric "Stop stalling, make a name for yourself" is so powerful and it inspires me.

3. I Don't Want To Know - Fleetwood Mac
I just recently added this bands' record 'Rumours' to my iPhone, and this is one of the songs I haven't listened to that much yet. So much for commentary!

4. Allergic (To Thoughts Of Mother Earth) - Placebo
The intro and entire instrumental to this entire song is so ridiculously Placebo and I love it. If someone asked what Placebo's sound is, it could easily be summed up in this song.

5. I Want You - Kings Of Leon
I love the rythm-section in this song! But I don't have a special bond to the song in general.

6. Paralyzed - The Used
Oh my God, this is one of the songs that gets me PSYCHED, y'all! The melody is so contagious, but having this song stuck in your head all day isn't even annoying because it's so fucking good! It also reminds me of 2008, when Hannah and I for the first time completely sold our souls to the sound of The Used.

7. No One Knows - Green Day
This is one of Green Day's older songs, and the first thing I thought when it started playing was "aww", because the song and the album (Kerplunk!) in its whole reminds me of sitting alone in my room when I was fourteen and recognizing the feelings of loneliness. Billie Joe was so young when he wrote these songs, and it kind of feels like I grew up with him for each album I listened to by them.

8. Northern Downpour - Panic! At The Disco
I love the album Pretty. Odd. I feel so happy when I listen to it, and I think that is the feeling the band intended to send out when they wrote the songs. I also find Ryans (their former guitarists) singing part very cute. I don't know. He has his own singing parts in some songs on the album, and I just think it's downright cute, haha.

9. Dead Ringer - Rise Against
This is one of the songs that I can see myself moshing like crazy to, haha. It awakes all of those feelings of rage that you keep locked inside and don't let out until you get to jump around to a song that reminds you of them at a show, to later feel completely rid of those feelings of anger, if only for a while.

10. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance
This is an amazing song because it's so emotional. Not only because the lyrics are beautiful, but because of the way Gerard (the singer) performs them. He sounds so vulnerable and it fits perfectly to the melancholy feel of the song. I especially love the way he sings "Running away and hiding with you" and "I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight".

I recommend these songs to all of y'all, so look them up!

xo /Freeny

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